知道 Google AdSense for Feeds 是在 Blogger 中,他允许你在输入的RSS中添加AdSense广告代码。当时我傻乎乎的把普通AdSense的代码加入,却告诉我不支持,我还直犯疑:Google 怎么自家人不认自家人的呢?现在,Google 终于推出AdSense for Feeds了,你也可以申请。(via: 困兽)
条件不高,只要你的网站 feed 订阅数在100以上,并且拥有 AdSense 帐户,就可以参加 AdSense for feeds (BETA)。申请地址:https://services.google.com/ads_inquiry/aff
看来并不是你达到基本的要求就能申请成功的,可能中文博客更难(月光测试结果)。不过还是值得大家去试试的,难保你成功了呢,现在订阅Feed阅读的人越来越多,这可是不小的流量哟。呵呵。我也凑热闹玩玩,结果当然是没批准,下面是AdSense Support 回复的邮件:
Thank you for your interest in AdSense for feeds.
Unfortunately, we're unable to accept your application for the program at
this time. Because AdSense for feeds is currently in beta, we're unable to
accept all applicants into the program. If we're able to extend our
service to you in the future, we'll be sure to let you know.