购买了美国主机 BlueHost 后,网站一直运行正常,访问速度也还说的过去。但从昨天开始,网站访问时断时续,今天上午索性打不开了,FTP也不能登录。
BlueHost 主页上有个 Live Chat ,承诺24×7服务,我输入了问题后,他提示我打开专门的在线帮助窗口。在跳出窗口中,写明存在的问题,你的用户名、域名和 cPanel 登录密码后4位,发送后,如果注册信息正确,会弹出会话窗口,有人来解答你的问题。
Corbin: [7:48:16 PM] Welcome to our real-time support chat. How can I help you today? I am assisting several people at a time your patience is appreciated my answers may vary between 1-5 minutes depending on the volume.
maqingxi: [7:48:16 PM] I can not access the site, and how to replace the IP address
Corbin: [7:49:11 PM] Are you able to log into cpanel.
maqingxi: [7:49:22 PM] my domain is alikz.com
[7:49:43 PM] yes ,able to login cpanel
[7:50:29 PM] The same can not FTP Login
Corbin: [7:50:44 PM] one moment please.
maqingxi: [7:56:42 PM] good
Corbin: [7:59:18 PM] Currently your server is undergoing a ddos attack
[7:59:25 PM] We are currently assigning dedicated ip's to each account.
maqingxi: [8:01:39 PM] How long to complete
Corbin: [8:02:01 PM] 1-4 hours for propagation unfortunately.
maqingxi: [8:02:58 PM] That I may end the current session it?
Corbin: [8:03:18 PM] Yes, you have a great night.
maqingxi: [8:03:47 PM] How the new IP address I?
[8:04:09 PM] Email?
Corbin: [8:04:14 PM]
[8:04:18 PM] This is the new dedicated ip
maqingxi: [8:06:54 PM] Oh, thank you, now can open the site.
Corbin: [8:07:21 PM] Great. You have a good night.
BlueHost 的技术支持只懂英文,呵呵,所以我只好用 Google 翻译来把我的中文翻译成英文发过去,再把他的英文翻译成中文来阅读。汗,杯具的人呀。
原来网站不能访问的原因是网站所在的服务器遭到了DDOS 攻击,BlueHost 为用户更换了专用IP地址,在等待新IP地址可用。
最后想说的是,BlueHost 的密码真的有点变态,至少8位,而且必须包含大写字母、小写字母、数字和符号。像我平时不大用大写字母和符号,所以长时间不登录后台,就忘记密码了,只好重新设一个。
问下 在bleuhost宕机之前 你网站是独立IP还是共享IP?
是共享IP的。 😛
不可能吧? 共享IP免费给你换到独立IP? 独立IP要200元啊